You’ll Never Be the Same Again

Once you break up with your first love, you’ll never be the same again and that’s okay. You don’t WANT to be someone who’s never had their heart broken. You’d be like an unfinished person.

I suppose now I’ll stop waiting to get back to normal. How about you?


19 Best  Moments of Being Young

Hunks to Husbands

Hello Ladies and Gents,

I’m about to get a little Carrie B. on you guys. Nah, this isn’t the New York Star, but it’ll do. It’ll do pig. Sorry, couldn’t resist that. 8x10 Library Love -Original Fine Art Photography-Unique Anniversary or Valentine's Gift, Neutral, Book Lover, Vintage Style, Polaroid

I was chatting with my girl today, if we were in Sex and the City the musical, she’d be the Samantha I suppose. Anyways, so we were discussing labels and my reluctance to label this summer thing anything more than a summer thing when we discovered an issue we both had somehow acquired. Somewhere, after accepting our high school diploma and out growing our high school relationships we gained this realization that in college the next guy that makes it to the second date might end up being our husband someday. How scary is that? Sure, the odds are against us.  Of course we aren’t imagining every guy that walks by in miniature form on the top of a cake. Thank goodness marriage isn’t either of our life goals, but damn shit’s getting real! Excuse my French.

My Sam’s 20th birthday is a pinky-toe away. While we’re celebrating making it through our teens without any major mishaps, permanent dates on the other hand, as excited as we are to find them, are pretty damn scary. Have any of you come to this realization? Are you in the same boat as us? I’d love to know if this is a whoa, we’re growing up thing, or a weird, you guys are over-reacting! don’t have a midlife crisis in your twenties thought shared among friends?

Leave it below.


Something Pretty for You

by Lea Assenmach

Imagine that first hungry woman—

so intent on opening a clenched oyster.

How could she know the sweetly jellied brine

within, that wet and tender kiss?
My fingers are raw, knuckles bloody

from digging you free, prying you open.

Difficulty makes possession seem precious,

my pearl.  Don’t be afraid.  Be devoured.

I came across this poem last fall in a book of poetry I borrowed from my creative writing instructor and have since been in love.  Just eight lines with so much emotion, it’s a bit unnerving.  But I think you should take it to heart. Don’t be scared to be wholly consumed, or to try something completely off the beaten path, the results can be absolutely radical.

That is all.


P.S. Have a favorite poem? Do share! It’s only polite.

Life as a Working Woman Pt. 2

Hello All,

So, suspensefully, I added to be continued to my post “Life as a Working Woman”, I’m sure you recall, if not head on over to recent posts, click the link, and check for yourself if you don’t believe me.


Told you so. Anyways, today was the continued part. At approx. 8:16 am I boarded a bus to the metro station, then boarded a metro, and then finally at approx. 9:14 am, I arrived in Dupont to get breakfast before I started my new summer job. Well to say the least I was nervous, but I began may day right with 180% of my daily vitamin C, (thanks apple juice! Keeping my immune system strong like a champ) and then headed over to the office.

I began on a sort of clumsy foot, pressing the little intercom buzzer three times before I figured out they were telling me stop hitting the button and come on up, mini-fail, but I had time to recover. I went around and introduced myself, learned their special motivating clap, (I’d share but it’s top secret) ;) , trained for a while and then got straight to work.

How was it, you ask? How did I do?

Claps for E! I did great! Lots of nerves for nothing so far. I can’t give specifics, but it was so much fun. I tripled my expected quota, talked with some awesome people, who were actually interested in what I had to say and really spread my little social butterfly wings. Yay for success! It’s only the first day, so there’s plenty of room for mistakes, screwups and probably even a few failures, so I’m taking it all in with a grain of salt, but boy does it feel good today!

Cheers to learning as you go, promotions on the first day, and a helluva bonus! <3


P.S. Do you have any success you would like to share? Do something outstanding? Scored an internship? Tell me about it!
The celebration doesn’t have to end here!

Life as a Working Woman

So, I started to title this post Day #1, for real though, but then I remembered that scene in p.s. I love you. Do you remember the one? It was in the little apartment, pre-funeral, when Gerald Butler is holding Hillary Swank expaining to her that this is her life, it’s already begun, it’s already stared. Well he’s right. Life’s already started, tomorrow will be day six of my summer here in DC and my first day at work.

I’m scared silly, to say the least.
But here’s to meeting new people, trying new things, and going new places. Cheers!

to be continued…


Day #1


So day one had some good times and some bad times…

Good Times:

Dinner at Potbelly’s- So I know the pictures a little fuzzy, I’ll work on that in the future, but I had an amazingg salad, super cheap for my first meal as an independent undergrad. I don’t remember the name of the specific salad, but it was romaine lettuce, red grapes, grilled chicken, cranberries and apple slices with you’re choice of dressing. <3 Super Tasty, and I got to sit up in the window and people watch while I ate, which was actually really inspiring (so much fun fashion walks right by), Don’t worry, I took notes, and I’ll be passing them along.

Successfully navigating the MD & DC Metro system! -Nothing feels better than doing something completely on your own and getting it right the first time. Am I right? I had my doubts when I got on my  the bus and was shuttled away from my familiar nook ,but I left my new apartment in MD, found my destination in DC, and got back smooth as Don Draper circa season 2. Huge Win for E.

Bad times:

With the memory of the sweet southern summer sunshine still fresh in my mind, I got on that bus in cropped denim jeans, white strappy sandles, a loose floral tank and my hair in a boho-y side braid, needless to say all was well. That is until I got off the metro and looked up. The clouds were sunken in, nearly brushing the top of the city buildings. Before I could get out a sigh of disappointment, the bottom fell out. What began as a sprinkle flipped into a storm in a matter of minutes. Of course I had no umbrella. After walking three blocks in the rain, I finally found a starbucks & a walgreens, thank goodness.

I went into the bathroom looking like a wet rat. First, I took out my handy-dandy cardi and buttoned it over my tank, which I felt ridiculous in due to the horrible weather. Then I dried my hair a bit under the hand dryer and styled it into a neat high bun. Last I patted off the excess water with some paper towels and ordered an Iced White Chocolate Mocha.  I’d say this part at least was a mini success.

(Note: Always carry an umbrella & a hair-tie, never underestimate the power of a public restroom. )


P.S. Get that Cardi here!